Versione italiana


Progetto Cantiere Parchitello BariHome automation represents the most modern way to design an electrical plant and Giem srl is the first company within the area of Bari to offer this technology as standard equipment in all dwellings. The partner we chose is BTICINO, a prestigious groundbreaking Italian company on home automation that together with the system MY HOME completes the smart and innovative management of a modern house.

Many people took part to the Open Weekend Bticino on 21st April where specialized technicians gave life to a demo inside the model villa using the Touch Screen placed at the house threshold. Many questions have been made and much interest has been showed on the aspects related to the optimal management of plants, security and distance control.
The home automation systems installed in the villas allow controlling automatically shutters, switching the lights on, as well as the controlling of music and sound diffusion in the house, the regulation of the temperature, irrigation and other automatisms.

In case of danger the system enables the sounds of the burglar alarm and other devices that can stop the gas emission or water flooding. Electrical blackouts can be controlled and every room is safer and more protected. Moreover My Home system controls the house temperature with the chance to set different temperatures in every single area keeping the electrical consumption under control.

Besides these devices are excellent solutions for the management of Entryphone calls, for the control of access and with the option to get the CCTV local control of the house; this can be managed with your cell phone or with an internet connection.

The high number of potential customers who took place to this event shows once again the winning choice made by Lacarra family to build dwellings with very innovative solutions.

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